02 September 2024

A server migration will take place between September 5th, 2024 16:00 UTC and September 6th, 02:00 UTC. Access to our site and our services will be disrupted for a small period of time during this migration window.

Our hosting provider will be migrating our server to new infrastructure between September 5th, 2024 16:00 UTC and September 6th, 02:00 UTC.

During that time, there will be a relatively short period of time during which our site will be unavailable. This is because the server content will be relocated, and we then need to reconfigure the CloudFlare CDN to “talk” to the new server. We are taking all appropriate measures to minimise this downtime.

If you have automatic backups running during that time window which transfer the backup archives to Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Box.com using the Akeeba Ltd OAuth2 Helpers (default setting) you might see the backups failing to upload to the remote storage with an authentication issue. That's because this part of the backup process relies on communication with our server to facilitate the authentication of your site with the remote storage. This communication will be disrupted during the switchover.

Likewise, if you try to re-upload a backup archive to (or download a backup archive from) Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Box.com during the migration window you may receive an authentication error for the same reason.

Updating our software on your site, and downloading software from our site might also fail during the aforementioned migration window.

Kindly note that our email will also be affected during that time. Emails sent to us during the migration window may not be received. If you send us an email during that period and we have not replied within two business days, please resend it.

Further to that, we will suspend some services on our site starting at 15:00 UTC on September 5th, 2024 and up to the point the migration is complete:

  • User registration.
  • Purchasing subscriptions and subscription renewals.
  • Submitting new support tickets, and replying to existing support tickets.
  • Contacting us through our Contact Us page.
  • Email notifications about expiring or expired subscriptions.

Please note that we are taking measures to minimise the period during which backup uploads to / downloads from remote storage, and downloading / updating our software will be affected. We expect the disruption to be under five minutes, if at all. Since it also depends on some factors outside our control we cannot, however, promise that this will be the case.

We understand that this a disruptive change, but it is a necessary one. Our site will be moved to a much newer, faster, and more resilient server infrastructure allowing us to serve you better.