Due to the many enquiries regarding alleged bugs in the System Restore Points feature in Akeeba Backup 3.6.1 we have the following statement to make: Akeeba Backup 3.6.1's System Restore Points feature is working properly on all hosts running PHP 5.2.11 and later, including PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4. If you have issues installing extensions you are most likely affected by bugs in the extension you are trying to install. Please consult the rest of this article.
Akeeba Backup 3.6.0 had a bug which prevented hosts running on PHP 5.2 to access the extensions installer if the "System - System Restore Points" plugin shipped with Akeeba Backup was enabled. Unpublishing that plugin would allow extensions installation to take place normally, of course without System Restore Point backups being taken. If you are affected by this issue please disable the plugin and upgrad to Akeeba Backup 3.6.1.
If you still have an issue installing extensions, please note this is most likely not an issue with Akeeba Backup but with your extension. After extensive testing we have found out that all RocketTheme extensions –including, but not limited to, the popular RokSprocket and RokGallery extensions– will not install when the "Debug System" option is enabled in your site's Global Configuration. This is also true for a few other extensions as well. The installation in this case will fail with "Installation unexpectedly terminated", a Joomla! 500 error page or a similar message. If you believe you are affected by this issue please go to Global Configuration and set "Debug System" to "No". This is not an Akeeba Backup issue; it's an issue with the extension you are trying to install. We can not provide any further support for this kind of issues. Please contact the developer of the respective extension for further support. If you request our support for this kind of issue you will be redirected to this article and your support ticket will be closed without any further chance of reply from your part.
If you can, however, install an extension with the "System - System Restore Points" plugin unpublished, but not when it's published, this is an issue with Akeeba Backup and we canhelp you. First try taking a new full site backup. If it fails, please file a support ticket. Fixing the backup will also fix the System Restore Points feature. If you can, however, take a backup but not install extensions when the "System - System Restore Points" plugin is enabled and you have PHP 5.2 on your site you might have a partial or broken Akeeba Backup installation. In this case please remove the following folders:
- administrator/components/com_akeeba [b]EXCEPT[/b] the administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup directory and the administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/serverkey.php file. If you remove that directory and that file you will lose your existing backups and/or settings.
- components/com_akeeba
- administrator/modules/mod_akadmin
- media/com_akeeba
- plugins/system/plg_srp
- plugins/system/plg_akeebaupdatecheck
- plugins/system/plg_aklazy
- plugins/system/plg_oneclickaction
Now please re-install Akeeba Backup 3.6.1 or later which will fix the issue.
If none of the above addresses your problem, please file a support request stating the following: "I have read the clarification article about System Restore Points and have tried all of the troubleshooting steps listed there. I am trying to install (your extension name) on Joomla! (your Joomla! version) and PHP (your PHP version)". Also attach a screenshot of the error page. Including this information will allow us to reply to you. In all other cases we will simply redirect you to this article and close your ticket due to the very large number of bogus bug reports we are receving lately.
Thank you for your understanding.