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Akeeba Ticket System 2.2.0 Stable

Released on: 2016-07-04 03:29 CDT

Release highlights

Work around Joomla 3.5's mailer bug (since it's not getting fixed by Joomla). If your site's Email From address in Global Configuration or your user's email address were malformed Joomla would crash when trying to send out emails. This could result in ticket/reply creation by email not working among other things. This is a bug in Joomla 3.5 itself that we have already reported to Joomla but they decided not to fix it. Therefore we are working around it.

Small new features:

  • Redirect to login page when a guest user tries to file a new ticket.
  • User overridable templates for the Akeeba Ticket System - Tickets info module.
  • Custom sh404SEF plugin which generates the same kind of URLs as the Joomla! SEF router.
  • Non-SEF URLs generated by ATS 1.x are now automatically mapped and work with ATS 2.x
  • Plugin to displaying the user's avatar using the EasySocial user avatar

PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 or 7.0 is required

This version requires PHP 5.4.0 or later including 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 or 7.0. PHP 5.3 is no longer supported. We strongly advise you to use PHP 5.6 or 7.0. Support for older versions of PHP will be dropped in the next few months.

Joomla! 3.x up to 3.4 does NOT run on PHP 7.0. We only support using our software on PHP 7.0 with Joomla! 3.5.

Joomla! 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 is supported

This version of our software can be installed on Joomla! 3.4.x, 3.5.x or 3.6.x. It is not compatible with end-of-life Joomla! 1.x, 2.5, or 3.0 to 3.3 releases (inclusive). If you are using an old Joomla! version please upgrade to the latest Joomla! 3 version available from

At the time of this writing we were only able to test ATS against Joomla! 3.6 Release Candidate. The stable version is not yet released. However, we do not expect any issues with the final 3.6 stable release.


New features

  • Added back the custom sh404SEF plugin
  • Added support for EasySocial user avatar
  • Mapped the old front-end view names to the new ones to let your old, ATS 1.x, non-SEF URLs work properly.
  • Redirect to login page when a guest user tries to file a new ticket
  • User overridable templates for the "Akeeba Ticket System - Tickets info" module

Miscellaneous changes

  • Changing the #__akeeba_common table schema
  • Work around MAJOR BUG IN JOOMLA! 3.5 regarding email sending, only affects update notifications

Removed features

  • Removed custom Mailer, now using JMail

Release files

Akeeba Ticket System Core

1.60 Mb

Joomla! 3.5 PHP 5.4 PHP 5.5 Joomla! 3.4 PHP 5.6 PHP 7.0

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