


The available options for Joomla sites are:


The name of the Joomla! site. Whatever you write here will be stored in the site's configuration.php file and will be the title of your site, appearing in the front- and back-end.


The email of the site's Super Administrator and the e-mail address from which all email sent by Joomla! will appear to come from. Whatever you write here will be stored in the site's configuration.php file and database, but is not validated to make sure it's a real, live e-mail address.


Make sure this is a valid email address. Joomla! 3.5 will crash when trying to send email if this is not a valid email address!


Optional. If set, the contents of the $live_site parameter in your configuration.php file. If you omit it, the $live_site parameter will be left intact.


Optional. The site's temporary directory. If you do not provide this the tmp directory inside your site's root will be used instead.


Optional. The site's logs directory. If you do not provide this the administrator/logs directory inside your site will be used instead. If this doesn't exist, UNiTE will try using the logs directory in your site's root. If this is not writable, the administrator/logs directory will be used instead.


Optional. The domain name for the cookies set by Joomla!. This should be your domain name without protocol and path, e.g. or localhost but NOT or http://localhost/joomla. This setting MUST be the domain name where your site is installed. Omit this to preserve the setting currently in your configuration.php file.


Optional. The path for the cookies set by Joomla!. This should be the path in your domain where the site is installed, with a leading slash, but without a trailing slash , e.g. / or /joomla but NOT or http://localhost/joomla. This setting MUST be the directory where your site is installed. Omit this to preserve the setting currently in your configuration.php file.


Optional. Should Joomla! forcibly turn on SSL (HTTPS)? 0 or false means that HTTPS will NOT be enforced by Joomla!. 1 or true means that only the backend of the site will be forced to use HTTPS. 2 means that the entire site, backend and frontend, will be forced to use HTTPS. If your site uses HTTPS you are strongly advised to set it to 2. Omit to leave this setting as it's currently set in your site's Global Configuration.


Optional. Should I remove any php.ini and .user.ini files from the site's root and administrator directories? Set to 0 or false (default) to keep them, set to 1 or true to remove them. Recommended to set to 1 when restoring on a new server whose settings might be incompatible with the server you backed the site up from.


Optional. Should I remove any .htaccess and .htpasswd files from the site's root and administrator directories? Set to 0 or false (default) to keep them, set to 1 or true to remove them. Recommended to set to 1 when restoring on a new server whose settings might be incompatible with the server you backed the site up from, preventing you from logging it to the site's backend if you have administrator password protection using .htaccess files enabled.


Optional. Should I replace your site's .htaccess file with the Joomla!'s default file? Set to 0 or false (default) to keep any existing file as-is, set to 1 or true to replace it. Recommended to set to 1 when restoring on a new Apache or Litespeed server whose settings might be incompatible with the server you backed the site up from.


Optional. Should I replace your site's web.config file with the Joomla!'s default file? Set to 0 or false (default) to keep any existing file as-is, set to 1 or true to replace it. Recommended to set to 1 when restoring on a new Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) server whose settings might be incompatible with the server you backed the site up from.


Optional. The numeric ID of a Super Administrator / Super User user, so that we can change their email address and / or password, if the next two keys are specified.

You can find that ID by looking into your site's #__users table. Find your username and look up the user ID on the same row.


Optional. The new password for the Super User account. Requires the adminID and adminEmail options to be set. Omit to leave the password intact.


Optional (required if changing password) . The email address of the Super User account. Required to change the Super User password. Omit to leave the email address intact.