Critical fix
! Old update SQL files running twice during Joomla! 1.7 and 2.5 updates
New features
+ The username/password of a failed login is now logged
+ Added permission settings 0660, 0770 and 0757 per popular request (disclaimer: we still consider them VERY BAD permissions choices, but at the end of the day it's your sites and your responsibility)
Minor changes
~ If FOF is not copied on installation the system plugin doesn't execute instead of causing a fatal error and bringing the site down
Bug fixes
# Running a scan would remove the obsolete backup records in Akeeba Backup
# JFolder wasn't loaded by FOF, leading to crashes under some rare circumstances
# Some editor pages wouldn't open in Joomla! 1.5
# Disable front-end Super Administrator login would also block Administrator in Joomla! 1.5
# Skipping CSS and JS from being combined didn't work when using a browser on Windows to set up the skips
# The skipped CSS and JS files would appear twice on the page
# Reinstall button not showing when there is no Joomla! update available