Small improvements to DFIShield, making sure that the use of numerous ../ instances won't throw it off
The Post-Installation wizard is no longer shown in the Core release, as it's not relevant
CSS improvements to the Post-Installation wizard
Fix Permissions will automatically skip over the contents of the cache (front- and back-end), tmp and log directories
Bug fixes
Joomla! red error text displayed when updating Joomla! w/out Akeeba Backup installed (thanks, Fotis, for the heads up)
The Advanced mode of CSRFShield would also run the basic mode (referrer filtering), causing troubles on many sites
Notices thrown in the post-installation wizard (thank you @ot2sen!)
#166: Array upload fields break UploadShield
Under Joomla! 1.7, with "Disable editing back-end users" enabled, you could edit a back-end user and remove him from the Manager/Administrator/Super Administrator group
Use of wrong constant could throw a warning message in the post-installation wizard
Joomla! 1.7 session storage could overflow when using the Fix Permissions feature, locking you out of your site until you cleared your browser's cache and cookies