This release of Akeeba Backup fixes a low priority, minor, cosmetic issue. Never before have we released a new version within a day just to address such a low priority, minor, cosmetic issue. We have not even done this with medium priority issues which could have some operational impact to the software. But given the amount of communication we received over the least important cosmetic bug in the 9 years of this project's history we made a new release and have to ask you to please stop contacting us about the wrong dispkay of the total backup size. Thank you.
Only Joomla! 3.3 and 3.4 (and 3.5 which is planned for release in a couple of months) is supported by this version. We strongly recommend using the latest Joomla! At the time of this writing it is 3.4.3. Using older versions is NOT recommended for security reasons.
We have raised the minimum PHP version requirement to 5.4.0 in this version. Even though the component might work on PHP 5.3 we have no tested it with it and we will not support it. We'd like to remind you that Joomla! 3.x does not currently support PHP 7. Since our software runs inside Joomla! by definition our software doesn't currently run on PHP 7 either.
Note: there is no such thing as PHP 6. PHP versions jumped from 5.6 to 7.0. Why? Well, it's a long story. TL;DR: It doesn't have to make sense, just accept it.