This is a summary of the changes since the last release, 3.1.b2
Changed features
- Improved, less resource-intensive Javascript code for back-end backups
- Schema updates without ALTER TABLE and without having to perform a clean install
- AKLazy: Now using the database instead of files to store state information for increased reliability.
Bug fixes
- The pulsating script caused backup failure on certain browsers and is now removed
- Leftover memory files could cause backup failure with CRON, remote, front-end and lazy scheduling methods
- Joomla! inadvertently sets MySQL40 compatibility which ruins the database backup
- Many backup origins were not displaying correctly in the Administer Backup Files page
- AKLazy: The Akeeba Engine factory class could not be loaded when referenced, causing a PHP Fatal Error.
- The component's Control Panel page wouldn't display full width with the AdminPraise Lite back-end template