Error when deleting entry of FOFTable which is using assets
Fix loadTemplate behaviour on J3+
JHtml::_('behavior.multiselect') must be loaded in Joomla 2.5 and for FOFRenderJoomla
Unable to add component-specific behaviours to models
When the table cache reports a table as non-existent (e.g. the server failed to reply to SHOW TABLES) you had to clean the cache to see the table in FOF
jquery.ui.tooltip.js in AkeebaStrapper::jQueryUI() breaks Joomla 3 tooltip
New features
'btn' class assigned to buttons of fieldsearchable by default (adheres to Joomla! 3 styling guidelines)
Add Joomla formatter for FOFLess
Using icons for fieldsearchable's search/reset buttons
Miscellaneous changes
FOF table caching now respects Joomla! caching options (is it enabled, cache handler and cache lifetime).
Update to lessc 0.3.9
Critical bugs and important changes
JFormField changes in Joomla! 3.2 Beta 1 broke FOF form fields